Helps extensively in making your hair strong from the roots and enhancing the texture and quality of your hair thus promoting hair growth and acts like an excellent hair conditioner.
- At Ayurvedic Nature Care we strongly believe that real ingredients in their raw forms does wonders to your skin and hair.
- Our “Root Strengthening and Conditioning Hair Growth Powder” is enriched with raw and promising ingredients like Lemon Seed Powder, Black Pepper Powder which helps extensively in making your hair strong from the roots and enhancing the texture and quality of your hair thus promoting hair growth and acts like an excellent hair conditioner.
Key Benefits :
- Strengthens your hair
- Deeply conditions your hair
- Helps protect hair from damage
- Prevents hair fall
- Prevents scalp irritation
- Induces healthy hair growth
- Boosts volume and improves hair texture
How to Use?
Take 1-2 tbsp of Ayurvedic Nature Care – Root Strengthening and Conditioning Hair Growth powder into a bowl, add 2 Table Spoon with Ginger Juice, mix it well (without lumps) to form a moderate thin paste and massage on scalp properly for 5 to 10 minutes. Leave it on for2 Hours. Wash off with a KeshRakshak Shampoo and let it air dry. Do this for 1-2 times a week, and experience a healthy, strong & lustrous hair.
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